Sunday, June 2, 2013

Four Music Videos featuring Rocks

1. Beach House - "Forever Still" 2013  *I love that they made a 27 minute video, I think it can serve to help the fans feel like they are able to get to know the musicians. The Beatles did a great job of this with the Help! movie in 1965 and Kanye West's Runaway in 2010. This video is not nearly as entertaining as its predecessors, but, the music is great. The best rocks are during the "Irene" song which starts around 19 minutes.

2. Salt 'N Pepa - "Let's Talk About Sex" 1991  *The ladies are posted up by some rocks on a beach talking about sex.

3. The Roots - "Concerto Of The Desperado" 1996  *One of my favorite Roots songs.

4. Frankie Stew and Harvey Gunn - "1994" 2013  (UK HIP HOP)  *I think this song is pretty great, especially since they look so young. The beat is amazing and the vinyl crackle mostly works. I've watched this video a lot trying to sort out how this song is good and bad at the same time. This is one of those guys who follow you on Twitter and then unfollow you after you follow them back. Tricky.


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